Thursday, August 28, 2014

I've fallen off the wagon.

I've fallen off the wagon.  I've eaten cookies, candy, processed sugars that are crazy.  I don't know why but sometime my body screams "I WANT SUGAR!"  There are good days when I can fight it and not so good days where I give in.  I know...some sugar isn't bad right?  Well it isn't just some.  It's like I go on a all out binge, then CRASH for 2-3 days I feel sluggish and run down.  How do I stop this?  First I have to keep busy.  I am a typical type A personality.  I like things to be in order and I like being in control.  I like the satisfaction of a job well done.  I beat myself up when I mess things up and then work twice as hard trying to fix it.  So not fixing myself drives me a little batty. I expect alot of me.  I will succeed.

Now back on the wagon.  Keep focused.  Stay strong!

I can do this!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Stress and my body.

I have noticed that when I get stressed my body lets me know it.  I will feel totally run down.  I don't have any energy.  What I try to do is have a more passive attitude.  I ask myself "Is this really worth getting this upset about?"  As I am getting older my patience is getting longer.  I try to laugh more and worry less.  Get around people who are funny or watch something funny on tv.  It does help.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Wonderful news today.  With the changes in my diet I now can take only 6 units per shot instead of 8!  The doctor was so happy with my proactive approach.  He also told me I was the first patient he had ever heard of making a blog.  He was going to look it up.  The other wonderful news is if I keep this up I may be able to get off the shots altogether!  How much better can this get?  He suggested I started exercising 30 mins - 4 times a week.  I will definitely be starting that new regiment.  I will keep you updated on my progress.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Canning Day

Our garden is producing an abundance this year.  I am grateful.  It is hard work but the benefits of fresh food later in the winter will pay off.  I have always felt that my gift is to feed people.  If I have extra I want to share.  Anyway, I put up 6 pints of salsa, 4 pints of spaghetti sauce and 12 quarts of tomatoes yesterday.  How did that affect me?  Actually I feel better from being up and moving around.  I know you get tired of hearing that but it is true.  I feel alot better when I'm moving than when I'm sitting.  I don't feel as sluggish the next day.  I may feel tired from the hard work but it is not a sugar crash but a muscle burn.  I eat less when I'm busy which helps with the diabetic numbers and with my overall energy level.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I am not a doctor, I am a person with Type 2 diabetes.

I am not a doctor, I am a person with Type 2 diabetes.  I share things I'm going through and often just learn the hard way.  Here is an example...

Your sugar levels have a lot to do with your mood.  I've noticed that if I have very good readings I tend to feel emotionally better.  If I have higher numbers my moods swing quite a bit.  It makes sense.  Just as a piece  of chocolate can make women feel better, too much sugar for diabetics can make them feel sluggish, irritable and emotionally stressed.  
Have you ever seen a child that is calm, passive and a joy to be around until....  "Wasn't it a lovely idea to give Susie that candy bar.  She sure did enjoy eating it."  30 minutes later...  "What in the world is wrong with Susie?  She is so hyper and can't sit down.  I don't understand?"

Yes you do.  

You just flooded her system with sugar.  Because she is young her body absorbed the sugar quickly and sent the body into hyper mode.  The sugar has to be burned off somehow and movement is the simplest solution.

As a diabetic our body doesn't process the sugar as quickly thus the sluggish, tired feeling.  As your body tries to break down the sugars it is working hard making us somewhat tired or extremely tired depending on 
the amount of sugars it has to break down.  Wow I have to say just sharing this helped me to understand the process I hope it helps you.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Well I don't know if anyone else has done this but I ran out of the lancets first then the strips.  What a day.  I knew I was feeling a little sluggish but couldn't check the numbers to see where I was at.  Then lost my cap to my pen that pricks my finger.  Ugh!  Back to square one.  Hopefully the rest of the week will go better.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Decided to eat a fast lunch today.  Went to McDonalds and ate a cheeseburger.  What was I thinking.  Feel so sluggish and tired I can't hardly get off the couch.  Won't make that mistake again.

Haven't been moving around alot at work so think I'm going to make up for it at home this weekend.  I need to get out and walk I know I will feel better.